The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Solar-Powered Camper
Experience the freedom to travel sustainably with LuxTrava
Modern Amenities
LuxTrava is equipped with modern amenities to make your travels effortless and enjoyable:
🔔 5KW Solar inverter for a luxurious long trip
🔔High-efficiency solar panels for sufficient power generation
🔔Bio-digester tank with a 1/2 liter flux toilet system
🔔Sleeping arrangements for 5 people
🔔AC, freezer, flat TV, geyser, oven, 2-burner gas stove, induction cooktop, water filter, and various lights and fittings
🔔Bathroom with toilet, kitchen area, master bed, and dining table
🔔Water drawing system from streams, clean rivers, wells, or tube wells into a 250-liter main tank
Our Team
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Innovative Features
🔔Self-sufficient bio-digester tank digests human waste, eliminating the need for external waste disposal
🔔 Solar-powered system generates sufficient power for all appliances
🔔Water drawing system allows for water collection from natural sources
✏️Reduce your carbon footprint with LuxTrava's sustainable design and solar-powered system
✏️Enjoy the freedom to travel anywhere, anytime, with LuxTrava's self-sufficient features
✏️Experience comfort and convenience with modern amenities and innovative features
Technical Specifications
📜Length: 6 metres onload with vehicle
📜Height: 3 metres onload with vehicle